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Guides with special sustainability expertise have been marked with Green Activities and Travelife labels according to their achievements.
Anton Emil
Tours in English / Polish / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese / Swedish
POLSKI. Witajcie w Helsinkach! Jestem przewodnikiem, polonistą i teologiem. Chętnie oprowadzę turystów i pielgrzymów po Helsinkach i Finlandii, pieszo lub autokarem. Zapraszam! ITALIANO. Buongiorno! Sono guida e teologo cattolico finlandese con il cuore romano e napoletano (va bene, amo anche Venezia, Padova, Assisi, tutta l'Italia!), turisti e pellegrini benvenuti! ESPAÑOL Bienvenidos a Helsinki, soy guía profesional y uno de los pocos teólogos católicos finlandeses, hago tours turísticos y temáticos. Les doy la bienvenida a los españoles y latinoamericanos (els catalans també & os galegos tamen!) PORTUGUÊS/BRASILEIRO. Bem-vindos, podemos visitar Helsinque e jogar capoeira juntos! SVENSKA. Välkomna. Jag kan visa er Helsingfors också på svenska! ENGLISH I am an authorized Helsinki guide and a tour leader, with professional experience and excellent reviews since 2015. I am especially comfortable doing private, thematic, or customized walking tours with small groups, but I can also handle bigger groups both on foot (with a microphone and loudspeaker), as well as by bus. I also do accessible tours for wheelchair users, tours using public transportation (e.g. from the cruise ship port, max 8 people), and stopover tours (pick-up from airport using train or bus). With my Finnish-Iraqi family background and my interest in history, languages, and cultures, I am an ideal guide for international and multicultural groups and visitors. I am also glad to conduct tours for families with children. In terms of my academic education, I have degrees in Theology and Polish language, as well as pedagogical competence, all from the University of Helsinki. Besides guiding, I am also a teacher and a non-fiction writer. As a theologian I am exceptionally competent in terms of tours exploring the religious side of Helsinki and Finland, and I would be happy to lead and host church groups, ecumenical groups and/or pilgrimages. I can accompany groups to other towns (like Porvoo) or plan a pilgrimage or study program in different regions of Finland. I can also show visitors around Vantaa, the airport city and my hometown, or Espoo, famous for the national (and reindeer) park Nuuksio.
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+358 456313899
Availability: All the time
Languages: English Finnish Italian Polish Portuguese Spanish Swedish

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